
How To Keep Pet Cooling Mat From Puncturing

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During the hotter months of the year, it is important to continue your dog equally cool as possible. Simply like us, they tin feel the estrus and exist afflicted by it.

If they become likewise hot it tin can start to affect their health and wellbeing.

One way yous can go on your canis familiaris absurd is with a canis familiaris cooling mat or pad. These are particularly designed to actively cool your dog down when they need it.

We will go over whether your domestic dog needs a cooling pad and if they are worth the coin. We besides requite you some ownership tips and how to best intendance for your cooling mat.

Then we give you lot our recommendations for the best domestic dog cooling mat and some other options for keeping your dog cool this summer.

dog cooling pad

Does Your Dog Demand a Canis familiaris Cooling Mat?

If your dog gets hot during summer then they could probably benefit from a cooling pad or mat. Rut can exist taxing on your dog.

If your canis familiaris gets too hot for as well long information technology can potentially be dangerous for their health. Overheating can pb to heatstroke, burnout, and dehydration which can lead to ongoing health problems for your canis familiaris.

It is also uncomfortable for your dog to be hot for too long. If you find your dog continually seeking out cooler parts of your business firm, like the cool tiles of the bathroom or kitchen, or cool patches of cement or deck outside, then they may be getting uncomfortably hot.

Other signs to await for to run into if your dog is too hot include excessive panting or drooling, increased eye rate, animate bug, lack of energy, and unusual agitation.

Some other bonus of getting a cooling mat for your dog is that information technology can be more comfortable for them to lie on than the flooring. Likewise as existence absurd, they will provide some cushioning between your domestic dog and the flooring.

These mats tin can also be benign as a relief from aches and pains for dogs that have joint problems from arthritis and for older dogs.

Are Dog Cooling Mats Worth Your Money?

And then is it worth it to get your pup a specialized pad or mat to cool them downwardly or not? Allow'south first by saying that they are not for all dogs. Specially if your dog is a biter or chewer, or is subversive towards everything you buy them.

These mats are not indestructible. They can exist punctured by sharp teeth or claws. And then avoid buying i if your dog is likely to destroy information technology.

Recommended Reading: How to Get a Puppy to Stop Biting

If you already have other alternatives for cooling down your dog then this may not be worth the money for y'all. There are a number of ways yous can assistance your canis familiaris cool down in summer like portable dog pools, cooling fans or air conditioners, an elevated outdoor canis familiaris bed, or a cooling canis familiaris belong.

You can even hack your own DIY cooling mat with old towels and cold water. Merely keep in mind that some of these are only temporary fixes. A dog cooling pad can keep your domestic dog absurd for hours at a fourth dimension.

If your dog spends a lot of time within in front of the air conditioner then you can save yourself some money by turning off the aircon and getting them a cooling mat instead. That is unless you need the aircon also.

How Do Dog Cooling Mats Work?

Dog cooling mats are designed a couple of dissimilar ways. One type is made from materials that absorb heat from your domestic dog's body.

They accept a gel inside them that keeps your dog cool and is activated past force per unit area when your dog sits on the mat. The gel then recharges and cools down again when your domestic dog gets upwards and pressure is removed.

The other type is filled with cold water, similar to a water bed. The cool water absorbs oestrus from your dog'south body. Both types accept just a limited amount of time that they piece of work for until they need to be recharged or cooled downwardly.

Buying Tips – What to Wait for When Buying a Cooling Mat for Your Canis familiaris

Once yous take decided which type of cooling mat you lot want for your domestic dog at that place are a few things to wait for when making your purchase.

Size . All of our recommended cooling pads and mats come in a diverseness of sizes. Make sure you get the right sizing for your dog. Too small-scale and your dog won't cool down plenty, likewise big and information technology may exist less efficient. Think about where you are going to put it also. Does it need to fit inside a kennel or crate? If so y'all will need to check your dimensions get-go to make certain it fits.

Portability . Will it only sit down in one place or do you desire to be able to move it around easily? Water filled cooling mats or beds become heavy and hard to move. A more lightweight pad or mat tin can fold away for piece of cake storage or travel if yous need information technology.

Piece of cake to use. Ease of use is important if you programme on traveling with your cooling mat and will need to set up and dismantle it regularly. Look for ones that don't need water, electricity, or refrigeration.

Easy to make clean and maintain. Domestic dog mats pick up a lot of hair, dirt, and dust so effort to pick a mat that is easy to clean. Most of the ones nosotros recommend below can exist easily cleaned with a damp textile and mild detergent. They are not suitable for the washing machine.

Durability . Where volition your dog be using the mat? If it is exterior, make sure y'all choice one that is durable and will stand upward to the elements. Also, dogs can exist rough with their stuff. They are frequently scratching, chewing, and bitter things so a mat made from sturdy material will last longer.

Comfort . If your dog volition be spending a lot of time on their mat you should make certain it is comfortable enough for them. Some mats accept more padding and softer outer material than others.

Non-toxic . Make sure the mat you choose is suitable for your domestic dog and fabricated from non-toxic materials. Nylon holds upwards well to wear and tear and is breathable. Avoid mats fabricated with latex, plastic, rubber or foam equally they tend to sweat and trap moisture.

How to Brand Your Canis familiaris Cooling Mat Concluding

In one case you get a cooling mat for your dog there are a few things you can do to make sure it lasts long enough to get your coin's worth.

Make clean information technology . Once yous check the manufacturer'south recommendations for cleaning your mat make sure you practice it regularly. Near of them tin can be cleaned with a quick wipe down with a damp cloth and maybe some mild detergent.

Training . Continue your domestic dog'south nails trimmed to forbid accidental punctures. Regular brushing volition remove excess hair that your dog sheds and preclude it from edifice upwardly on their mat.

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Bank check underneath . Bank check the surface where you identify the mat to make sure zilch volition be underneath information technology that can cause rips or tears. If in that location is dirt or something sharp it tin can rub on the mat and wear information technology down or puncture information technology. Also check under the mat regularly for moisture buildup. Moisture breeds bacteria and mold that tin can be harmful to your dog and degrade the mat over time.

Sunlight . Never place the cooling mat in direct sunlight. The heat from the sun will reduce the cooling effects of the mat.

The Best Dog Cooling Pad

Nosotros have picked a few different cooling mats, pads, and beds hither for your dog, simply if yous just desire the best hither is our pinnacle recommendation.

The Green Pet Shop Domestic dog Cooling Mat

The Light-green Pet Store dog cooling mat is our tiptop option for the best cooling pad for your dog. It is made with high-quality durable material and a gel that is not-toxic and safe for your dog. Information technology requires no electricity to keep absurd. The gel hardens and cools on its ain when placed on the ground out of direct sunlight. When your dog lays down on the mat the cool gel will draw estrus from your dog keeping him cool for hours. When your dog gets up off the mat, information technology volition recharge the gel and cool down once more.

It is flexible and soft providing comfort for crumbling dogs with joint pain.

The waterproof cloth is piece of cake to clean. Just a quick wipe down with a damp textile or soft brush will exercise the job.

The polyester composite cover is durable and puncture resistant, only heavy chewers will still exist able to destroy this mat.

We dear this mat because it is well made, lightweight, waterproof, piece of cake to clean, and should terminal a long fourth dimension.

Best Portable Dog Cooling Mat

Pet Dog Cocky Cooling Mat by Arf Pets

The Arf Pets cooling mat is also an exceptional mat for cooling your dog down. Information technology is another cooling mat that automatically recharges and provides continuous relief from the rut for your canis familiaris for up to three hours.

Information technology is made from not-toxic, completely latex-gratis material that is 100% safe for animals and humans. The durable solid gel construction is made to last for years. This cool gel interior absorbs your dog's torso heat, relaxing and soothing them for up to iii continuous hours. It recharges on its own without the demand for water, refrigeration, batteries or electricity. After 3 hours of employ, information technology will automatically recharge in just fifteen-twenty minutes of non-use.

It is a flexible mat that folds apartment for easy storage or travel and will retain its shape well over time.

It is neat for indoor or outdoor utilize. It is lightweight and portable while still providing your dog with cushioning and back up.

It is also easy to clean with a quick wipe-downwardly with a mix of mild soap and water.

The puncture-resistant exterior resists trigger-happy and lasts through season after season.

This is a nice thin foldable cooling pad that is durable and great for portability.

Runner-Up Domestic dog Cooling Pads

These runner-up cooling pads are virtually as good every bit our top 2 picks. They are similar in structure and the way they work and may be a practiced option depending on the sizes available and what your needs are.

VeMee Summertime Cooling Mat for Dogs

The VeMee cooling mat also works without refrigeration, water, electricity, or messy funnels.  The safe and sturdy nylon cushion has a cool gel interior that absorbs your dog's torso heat to keep them absurd. The gel is activated once your dog gets onto the mat and recharges when he gets off, just like with the others.

This solid-gel cooling mat is a completely non-toxic solution for your domestic dog. There is no elaborate clean upward needed, only wipe the mat with a damp material and let dry out.

This 1 also comes with a cooling collar for your dog as an added bonus.

Coleman Comfort Cooling Gel Pet Pad Mat

This cooling mat past Coleman stays 5-10 degrees cooler than room temperature without any need for refrigeration needed.

It is made with non-toxic gel and a tough outer vanquish that is piece of cake to wipe clean.

Information technology is a great lightweight and portable cooling pad that y'all tin have with you lot anywhere you lot become with your domestic dog.

Neat for taking to the park or beach on hot days to cool your domestic dog downwards.

All-time Domestic dog Cooling Bed

Chiliad&H Cool Bed III Cooling Dog Bed

This is a different type of cooling bed that uses water to wick estrus out of your domestic dog and release it into the air. Information technology is a cool, comfortable waterbed style of cooling. The unique cool cadre diverts liquid for ultimate cooling power. The h2o naturally extracts rut and the bed is designed to radiate that heat dorsum into the air or the floor surface to keep your canis familiaris cool.

No electricity is required and information technology is good for indoor and outdoor use. You just add water through the like shooting fish in a barrel make full cap and adjust for condolement with the valve.

The tough nylon coating and vinyl bankroll exterior is durable and holds upwards well with continuous employ.

It too has a 2-yr express warranty, which is corking peace of mind in case you lot end up with a leak.

This may not be ideal if yous desire to move the bed around every bit it tin can get heavy when filled with water.

Alternatives to a Domestic dog Cooling Pad or Mat

At that place are another options you lot can consider using instead of the cooling pad or mats we accept mentioned. You may have a destructive domestic dog that chews everything and are looking for something else that may piece of work to cool your canis familiaris down. Keep in mind that these may only exist suitable for certain situations, climates, and locations.

The Elevated Dog Bed

If you don't want to try the cooling mats for whatever reason yous tin endeavour an elevated dog bed instead. This will not actively absurd your domestic dog downwardly, merely the elevation allows for skillful airflow effectually your dog which can go along them libation than a soft cushy bed or a bunch of blankets on the floor.

The Coolaroo Elevated Bed is our top pick for an elevated bed that we recommended in our listing of the best dog beds. The breathable loftier-density polyethylene fabric is tough and easy to set up and clean.

Recommended Reading: The Best Canis familiaris Beds for 2022

Canis familiaris Cooling Vest

Cooling vests are some other pick for cooling your dog downward during the hot summer months. These are corking because you lot can use them while you are out and about walking and playing with your dog.

They utilise evaporative cooling to keep your dog at a squeamish comfy temperature while exercising. All you need to do is soak the vest in cool water, wring out the excess water, and put information technology on your dog.

We dear the Ruffwear Swamp Cooler Cooling Vest because it is very well made and works in layers to help go along your canis familiaris absurd. Ruffwear also makes our top selection for their best canis familiaris life jackets likewise.

Recommended Reading: Best Dog Life Jackets: All You Need to Know

Here are some more quick tips for keeping your domestic dog cool.

Whatsoever you decide to use, make sure you lookout man your dog for signs of overheating during the hotter months. Keep them cool and comfortable in any manner you lot can to keep them happy and salubrious.

Recommended Reading: How to Avoid Summer's 8 Threats to Your Dog


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